Source code for tag.feature

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Standage <>
# This file is part of tag ( and is licensed
# under the BSD 3-clause license: see LICENSE.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import tag
from tag.comment import Comment
from tag.directive import Directive
from tag.range import Range
from tag.sequence import Sequence
from tag.score import Score

[docs]class Feature(object): """Represents a feature entry from a GFF3 file. >>> gene = Feature('contig1', 'gene', 999, 7500, source='snap', strand='+', ... attrstr='ID=gene1') >>> gene.seqid 'contig1' >>> gene.source 'snap' >>> gene.type 'gene' >>> gene.range [999, 7500) >>> gene.score is None True >>> gene.strand '+' >>> gene.phase is None True >>> gene.get_attribute('ID') 'gene1' >>> gene.get_attribute('NotARegisteredAttribute') >>> gene.slug 'gene@contig1[1000, 7500]' """ @staticmethod def from_gff3(data): fields = data.split('\t') assert len(fields) == 9 if fields[6] not in ['+', '-', '.']: raise ValueError('invalid strand "{}"'.format(fields[6])) if fields[7] not in ['0', '1', '2', '.']: raise ValueError('invalid phase "{}"'.format(fields[7])) phase = None if fields[7] == '.' else int(fields[7]) feat = Feature( fields[0], fields[2], int(fields[3]) - 1, int(fields[4]), source=fields[1], score=Score.from_str(fields[5]), strand=fields[6], phase=phase, attrstr=fields[8] ) return feat def __init__(self, seqid, ftype, start, end, source='tag', score=None, strand=None, phase=None, attrstr=None): # Core data self._seqid = seqid self._source = source self._type = ftype self._range = Range(start, end) self._score = score if isinstance(score, Score) else Score(score) self._strand = strand if strand not in ['-', '+', '.', None]: raise ValueError('invalid strand "{}"'.format(strand)) self._phase = phase if phase not in [0, 1, 2, None]: raise ValueError('invalid phase "{}"'.format(phase)) self._attrs = dict() if attrstr: self._attrs = self.parse_attributes(attrstr) # Ancillary data self.children = None self.multi_rep = None self.siblings = None self._pseudo = False def __str__(self): """String representation of the feature, sans children.""" if self.is_pseudo: return '' phase = '.' if self.phase is not None: phase = str(self.phase) return '\t'.join([ self.seqid, self.source, self.type, str(self.start + 1), str(self.end), str(self._score), self.strand, phase, self.attributes ]) def __repr__(self): """Full representation of the feature, with children""" string = '' for feature in self: if string != '': string += '\n' string += str(feature) return string def __len__(self): return len(self._range) def like(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Feature): return False elif self.seqid != other.seqid or self._range != other._range: return False elif self.type != other.type or self.source != other.source: return False else: return True def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Directive) or isinstance(other, Comment): return False elif isinstance(other, Sequence): return True assert isinstance(other, Feature) if self.seqid != other.seqid: return self.seqid < other.seqid elif self._range != other._range: return self._range < other._range elif self.type != other.type: return self.type > other.type return self.source < other.source def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Directive) or isinstance(other, Comment): return False elif isinstance(other, Sequence): return True assert isinstance(other, Feature) if self.seqid != other.seqid: return self.seqid < other.seqid elif self._range != other._range: return self._range < other._range elif self.type != other.type: return self.type > other.type return self.source <= other.source def __gt__(self, other): return not self.__le__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return not self.__lt__(other) def __iter__(self): """Generator iterates through a feature and all its subfeatures.""" sorted_features = list() root = self if self.is_pseudo: root = self.children[0].multi_rep root._visit(L=sorted_features, marked={}, tempmarked={}) for feat in sorted_features: yield feat def _visit(self, L, marked, tempmarked): """ Sort features topologically. This recursive function uses depth-first search to find an ordering of the features in the feature graph that is sorted both topologically and with respect to genome coordinates. Implementation based on Wikipedia's description of the algorithm in Cormen's *Introduction to Algorithms*. There are potentially many valid topological sorts of a feature graph, but only one that is also sorted with respect to genome coordinates (excluding different orderings of, for example, exons and CDS features with the same coordinates). Iterating through feature children in reversed order (in this functions' inner-most loop) seems to be the key to sorting with respect to genome coordinates. """ assert not self.is_pseudo if self in tempmarked: raise ValueError('feature graph is cyclic') if self not in marked: tempmarked[self] = True features = list() if self.siblings is not None and self.is_toplevel: features.extend(reversed(self.siblings)) if self.children is not None: features.extend(reversed(self.children)) if len(features) > 0: for feature in features: feature._visit(L, marked, tempmarked) marked[self] = True del tempmarked[self] L.insert(0, self)
[docs] def add_child(self, child, rangecheck=False): """Add a child feature to this feature.""" assert self.seqid == child.seqid, \ ( 'seqid mismatch for feature {} ({} vs {})'.format( self.fid, self.seqid, child.seqid ) ) if rangecheck is True: assert self._strand == child._strand, \ ('child of feature {} has a different strand'.format(self.fid)) assert self._range.contains(child._range), \ ( 'child of feature {} is not contained within its span ' '({}-{})'.format(self.fid, child.start, child.end) ) if self.children is None: self.children = list() self.children.append(child) self.children.sort()
@property def is_pseudo(self): return self._pseudo is True
[docs] def pseudoify(self): """ Derive a pseudo-feature parent from the given multi-feature. The provided multi-feature does not need to be the representative. The newly created pseudo-feature has the same seqid as the provided multi- feature, and spans its entire range. Otherwise, the pseudo-feature is empty. It is used only for convenience in sorting. """ assert self.is_toplevel assert self.is_multi assert len(self.multi_rep.siblings) > 0 rep = self.multi_rep start = min([s.start for s in rep.siblings + [rep]]) end = max([s.end for s in rep.siblings + [rep]]) parent = Feature(self._seqid, None, start, end, strand=self._strand) parent._pseudo = True for sibling in rep.siblings + [rep]: parent.add_child(sibling, rangecheck=True) parent.children = sorted(parent.children) rep.siblings = sorted(rep.siblings) return parent
@property def num_children(self): if self.children is None: return 0 return len(self.children) @property def fid(self): return self.get_attribute('ID') @property def slug(self): """ A concise slug for this feature. Unlike the internal representation, which is 0-based half-open, the slug is a 1-based closed interval (a la GFF3). """ return '{:s}@{:s}[{:d}, {:d}]'.format(self.type, self.seqid, self.start + 1, self.end) @property def is_multi(self): return self.multi_rep is not None @property def is_complex(self): return self.children is not None or self.is_multi @property def is_toplevel(self): if self.is_pseudo: return True return self.get_attribute('Parent') is None
[docs] def add_sibling(self, sibling): """ Designate this a multi-feature representative and add a co-feature. Some features exist discontinuously on the sequence, and therefore cannot be declared with a single GFF3 entry (which can encode only a single interval). The canonical encoding for these types of features is called a multi-feature, in which a single feature is declared on multiple lines with multiple entries all sharing the same feature type and ID attribute. This is commonly done with coding sequence (CDS) features. In this package, each multi-feature has a single "representative" feature object, and all other objects/entries associated with that multi-feature are attached to it as "siblings". Invoking this method will designate the calling feature as the multi-feature representative and add the argument as a sibling. """ assert self.is_pseudo is False if self.siblings is None: self.siblings = list() self.multi_rep = self sibling.multi_rep = self self.siblings.append(sibling)
@property def seqid(self): return self._seqid @seqid.setter def seqid(self, newseqid): """When modifying seqid, make sure to update seqid of children also.""" for feature in self: feature._seqid = newseqid @property def source(self): return self._source @source.setter def source(self, newsource): """When modifying source, also update children with matching source.""" oldsource = self.source for feature in self: if feature.source == oldsource: feature._source = newsource @property def type(self): if self.is_pseudo: return self.children[0].type return self._type @type.setter def type(self, newtype): """If the feature is a multifeature, update all entries.""" self._type = newtype if self.is_multi: for sibling in self.multi_rep.siblings: sibling._type = newtype @property def start(self): return self._range.start @property def end(self): return self._range.end @property def range(self): return Range(self._range.start, self._range.end)
[docs] def set_coord(self, start, end): """Manually reset the feature's coordinates.""" self._range = Range(start, end)
[docs] def transform(self, offset, newseqid=None): """Transform the feature's coordinates by the given offset.""" for feature in self: feature._range.transform(offset) if newseqid is not None: feature.seqid = newseqid
@property def score(self): return self._score.value @score.setter def score(self, newscore): self._score = Score(newscore) @property def strand(self): return '.' if self._strand is None else self._strand @strand.setter def strand(self, newstrand): if newstrand not in ['-', '+', '.', None]: raise ValueError('invalid strand "{}"'.format(newstrand)) self._strand = newstrand if newstrand in ['-', '+'] else None @property def phase(self): return self._phase @property def attributes(self): if len(self._attrs) == 0: return '.' attrs = list() if 'ID' in self._attrs: attrs.append('ID=' + self.get_attribute('ID')) if 'Parent' in self._attrs: parent = self.get_attribute('Parent', as_string=True) attrs.append('Parent=' + parent) if 'Name' in self._attrs: name = self.get_attribute('Name', as_string=True) attrs.append('Name=' + name) for attrkey in sorted(self._attrs): if attrkey in ['ID', 'Parent', 'Name']: continue value = self.get_attribute(attrkey, as_string=True) if isinstance(value, float): attrs.append('{}={:.4f}'.format(attrkey, value)) else: attrs.append('{}={}'.format(attrkey, value)) return ';'.join(attrs)
[docs] def add_attribute(self, attrkey, attrvalue, append=False, oldvalue=None): """ Add an attribute to this feature. Feature attributes are stored as nested dictionaries. Each feature can only have one ID, so ID attribute mapping is 'string' to 'string'. All other attributes can have multiple values, so mapping is 'string' to 'dict of strings'. By default, adding an attribute that already exists will cause the old value to be overwritten. If the `append` option is true, the new attribute value will not overwrite the old value, but will be appended as a second value. (Note: ID attributes can have only 1 value.) If the `oldvalue` option is set, the new value will replace the old value. This is necessary for updating an attribute that has multiple values without completely overwriting all old values. (Note: The `append` option is ignored when `oldvalue` is set.) """ # Handle ID/Parent relationships if attrkey == 'ID': if self.children is not None: oldid = self.get_attribute('ID') for child in self.children: child.add_attribute('Parent', attrvalue, oldvalue=oldid, append=True) self._attrs[attrkey] = attrvalue if self.is_multi: self.multi_rep._attrs[attrkey] = attrvalue for sibling in self.multi_rep.siblings: sibling._attrs[attrkey] = attrvalue return # Handle all other attribute types if oldvalue is not None: if attrkey in self._attrs and oldvalue in self._attrs[attrkey]: del self._attrs[attrkey][oldvalue] if attrkey not in self._attrs or append is False: self._attrs[attrkey] = dict() self._attrs[attrkey][attrvalue] = True
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attrkey, as_string=False, as_list=False): """ Get the value of an attribute. By default, returns a string for ID and attributes with a single value, and a list of strings for attributes with multiple values. The `as_string` and `as_list` options can be used to force the function to return values as a string (comma-separated in case of multiple values) or a list. """ assert not as_string or not as_list if attrkey not in self._attrs: return None if attrkey == 'ID': return self._attrs[attrkey] attrvalues = list(self._attrs[attrkey]) attrvalues.sort() if len(attrvalues) == 1 and not as_list: return attrvalues[0] elif as_string: return ','.join(attrvalues) return attrvalues
[docs] def drop_attribute(self, attrkey): """Drop the specified attribute from the feature.""" if attrkey in self._attrs: del self._attrs[attrkey]
[docs] def get_attribute_keys(self): """Return a list of all this feature's attribute keys.""" return sorted(list(self._attrs))
[docs] def parse_attributes(self, attrstring): """ Parse an attribute string. Given a string with semicolon-separated key-value pairs, populate a dictionary with the given attributes. """ if attrstring in [None, '', '.']: return dict() attributes = dict() keyvaluepairs = attrstring.split(';') for kvp in keyvaluepairs: if kvp == '': continue key, value = kvp.split('=') if key == 'ID': assert ',' not in value attributes[key] = value continue values = value.split(',') valdict = dict((val, True) for val in values) attributes[key] = valdict return attributes
[docs] def attribute_crawl(self, key): """ Grab all attribute values associated with the given feature. Traverse the given feature (and all of its descendants) to find all values associated with the given attribute key. >>> reader = tag.GFF3Reader( ... tag.tests.data_stream('otau-no-seqreg.gff3') ... ) >>> features = >>> for feature in features: ... names = feature.attribute_crawl('Name') ... print(sorted(list(names))) ['Ot01g00060', 'XM_003074019.1', 'XP_003074065.1'] ['Ot01g00070', 'XM_003074020.1', 'XP_003074066.1'] ['Ot01g00080', 'XM_003074021.1', 'XP_003074067.1'] ['Ot01g00090', 'XM_003074022.1', 'XP_003074068.1'] ['Ot01g00100', 'XM_003074023.1', 'XP_003074069.1'] ['Ot01g00110', 'XM_003074024.1', 'XP_003074070.1'] """ union = set() for feature in self: values = feature.get_attribute(key, as_list=True) if values is not None: union.update(set(values)) return union
@property def ncbi_geneid(self): """ Retrieve this feature's NCBI GeneID if it's present. NCBI GFF3 files contain gene IDs encoded in **Dbxref** attributes (example: `Dbxref=GeneID:103504972`). This function locates and returns the GeneID if present, or returns `None` otherwise. """ values = self.get_attribute('Dbxref', as_list=True) if values is None: return None for value in values: if value.startswith('GeneID:'): key, geneid = value.split(':') return geneid return None @property def cdslen(self): """ Translated length of this feature. Undefined for non-mRNA features. """ if self.type != 'mRNA': return None return sum([len(c) for c in self.children if c.type == 'CDS'])
[docs] def overlap(self, rng): """Report whether this feature overlaps with the specified range.""" return self._range.overlap(rng)
[docs] def contains(self, rng): """Report whether this feature contains the specified range.""" return self._range.contains(rng)
[docs] def contains_point(self, point): """Report whether this feature contains the specified point.""" return self._range.contains_point(point)