Source code for tag.range

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Standage <>
# This file is part of tag ( and is licensed
# under the BSD 3-clause license: see LICENSE.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from __future__ import division
from itertools import combinations
from networkx import Graph, connected_components

[docs]class Range(object): """ Represents a region of a biological sequence. Start and end coordinates correspond to the 0-based half-open interval: start inclusive, end exclusive (start=0 and end=10 corresonds to the first 10 nucleotides). >>> rng = Range(0, 1000) >>> rng [0, 1000) >>> len(rng) 1000 >>> rng.contains(Range(10, 20)) True >>> rng.contains_point(2345) False >>> rng.start = 500 >>> rng.start 500 >>> rng.end 1000 """ @staticmethod def merge_overlapping(ranges): if len(ranges) < 2: for rng in ranges: yield rng elif len(ranges) == 2 and ranges[0].overlap(ranges[1]): newstart = min([r.start for r in ranges]) newend = max([r.end for r in ranges]) yield Range(newstart, newend) elif len(ranges) == 2 and not ranges[0].overlap(ranges[1]): for rng in ranges: yield rng else: graph = Graph() for rng in ranges: graph.add_node(rng) for r1, r2 in combinations(ranges, 2): if r1.overlap_extent(r2) > 0: graph.add_edge(r1, r2) for cc in connected_components(graph): newstart = min([r.start for r in cc]) newend = max([r.end for r in cc]) yield Range(newstart, newend) def __init__(self, start, end): assert start >= 0, ('start coordinate {} invalid, must be an ' 'integer >= 0'.format(start)) assert end >= 0, ('end coordinate {} invalid, must be an ' 'integer >= 0'.format(end)) assert start <= end, ('coordinates [{}, {}] invalid, start must be ' '<= end'.format(start, end)) self._start = start self._end = end def __str__(self): if self._start == self._end: return str(self._start) return '[{}, {})'.format(self._start, self._end) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __len__(self): return self._end - self._start # Begin rich comparison operators for Python 3 support def __eq__(self, other): return self._start == other._start and self._end == other._end def __ne__(self, other): return self._start != other._start or self._end != other._end def __hash__(self): return hash((self.start, self.end)) def __lt__(self, other): return self._start < other.start or (self._start == other.start and self._end < other.end) def __le__(self, other): return self == other or self < other def __gt__(self, other): return self._start > other.start or (self._start == other.start and self._end > other.end) def __ge__(self, other): return self == other or self > other # End rich comparison operators for Python 3 support @property def start(self): return self._start @start.setter def start(self, newstart): assert newstart >= 0, \ ('new start coordinate {} invalid, must be an ' 'integer >= 0'.format(newstart)) assert newstart <= self._end, \ ('new start coordinate {} invalid, must ' 'be <= end {}'.format(newstart, self._end)) self._start = newstart @property def end(self): return self._end @end.setter def end(self, newend): assert newend >= 0, \ ('new end coordinate {} invalid, must be an ' 'integer >= 0'.format(newend)) assert self._start <= newend, \ ('new end coordinate {} is invalid, ' 'must be >= start {}'.format(newend, self._start)) self._end = newend
[docs] def merge(self, other): """ Merge this range object with another (ranges need not overlap or abut). :returns: a new Range object representing the interval containing both ranges. """ newstart = min(self._start, other.start) newend = max(self._end, other.end) return Range(newstart, newend)
[docs] def intersect(self, other): """Determine the interval of overlap between this range and another. :returns: a new Range object representing the overlapping interval, or `None` if the ranges do not overlap. """ if not self.overlap(other): return None newstart = max(self._start, other.start) newend = min(self._end, other.end) return Range(newstart, newend)
[docs] def overlap(self, other): """Determine whether this range overlaps with another.""" if self._start < other.end and self._end > other.start: return True return False
[docs] def overlap_extent(self, other): """Compute number of nucleotides of overlap between two ranges.""" if not self.overlap(other): return 0 coords = sorted((self._start, other._start, self._end, other._end)) return coords[2] - coords[1]
[docs] def overlap_atleast(self, other, minbp=1, minperc=0.0): """Determine whether two ranges overlap by at least some threshold. The thresholds can be specified using a minimum number of bases, or a minimum percentage of the length of the ranges, or both. """ assert minbp >= 1, 'must require at least 1bp overlap' bpoverlap = self.overlap_extent(other) if minbp and bpoverlap < minbp: return False if minperc and bpoverlap / len(self) < minperc: return False if minperc and bpoverlap / len(other) < minperc: return False return True
[docs] def contains(self, other): """Determine whether this range contains another.""" return self._start <= other.start and self._end >= other.end
[docs] def contains_point(self, point): """Determine whether this range contains the specified point.""" return self._start <= point and self._end >= point
[docs] def within(self, other): """Determine whether this range is contained within another.""" return other.contains(self)
[docs] def transform(self, offset): """ Shift this range by the specified offset. Note: the resulting range must be a valid interval. """ assert self._start + offset > 0, \ ('offset {} invalid; resulting range [{}, {}) is ' 'undefined'.format(offset, self._start+offset, self._end+offset)) self._start += offset self._end += offset
def copy(self): return Range(self._start, self._end)